No Place to Go for V-Day; Why Not Turn Your Garden Shed Into the Perfect Spot for a Date

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He-Shed, She-Shed: Throwing in Ideas for Your Shed?
February 11, 2022

Key Takeaways:

    Romantic Shed Transformations: Step away from the ordinary and create an exclusive Valentine’s Day surprise by transforming your garden shed into a unique and intimate retreat, away from the crowded restaurants.

    Seamless Setup: The beauty of setting up a Valentine’s Day surprise in your shed is that it can be done with ease and in secret, giving you the confidence to surprise your loved one without any hassle.

    Atmosphere is Key: Create the perfect ambiance with string lights, a music playlist of romantic tunes, and a well-decorated table, ensuring a memorable evening that feels special.

Trying to secure the perfect reservation for Valentine’s Day is more than a little headache. For the best restaurants in town, you have to contact the establishments weeks in advance (if not further out). Even when you plan everything right and show up on time, the restaurant is so packed that it’s difficult to truly enjoy your dinner and time together. The menu might not even be the full menu. Because this particular day is so busy, many restaurants alter their menu and have one or two highlighted items, and then the rest of the menu might go away for the evening. But even if this isn’t the case, do you really want to spend all that time, money, and energy going out to a restaurant, only to return home after a few hours? Instead, why not transform your garden shed into the perfect spot for a date? It really doesn’t take all that much work. So if you’re considering the ultimate V-day surprise, here are a few backyard garden shed ideas to take advantage of.

Set It Up In Secret

The beautiful thing about setting up the ultimate V-Day date spot in your shed is that you can completely do it secretly. Whether the shed is already cleared out or it’s crammed full of storage items, you can work on your surprise without anyone knowing about it (even if you live with them). It’s moving closer to spring, so you can say you want to take care of cleaning out the shed for spring cleaning before purchasing gardening equipment and all of that. It’s logical, and it may actually be true as well. There will be a few things you’ll want to keep hidden, but that’s okay. The main cleaning process can be done in the open. Just keep the date night surprises hidden away.

Consider Lighting

The ultimate look is almost always created with the right lighting. If you already have windows in your shed, you will want to place some sheer curtains to help diffuse the lighting from the outside. Depending on whether neighbors can easily see in, you may also want to include heavier curtains. As for the lighting itself, it doesn’t have to be elaborate to still be romantic.

You know those white holiday lights you have stored up? These can easily be strung along with the ceiling and walls. It’s easy to set up, will offer a romantic look to the interior of the shed, and if the inside isn’t painted or designed to have people inside for an extended period, the limited lighting helps hide defects while maintaining the mood. Best of all, even if you don’t have power running to the shed, these lights don’t draw much, so you can have a small battery set up inside the shed to handle your lighting.

Table and Tablecloth

The Valentine’s Day surprise is all about the setup. If you were to walk your significant other out to the shed only to reveal a couple of folding chairs and a cooler of beer, it probably wouldn’t really hit the mark. Instead, go for a classy restaurant feel. Pick up a nice table to put inside the shed and then cover it with a tablecloth. The beauty of the white table cloth is it covers any imperfections of the table. So maybe you only purchase a cheap plastic table from the grocery store. Nobody knows with the tablecloth. Or perhaps you find a worn wooden table online and bring it to the shed when your special someone is gone. You could actually sand the table down, stain it, and bring it back to life, so then when dinner is done, you remove the table cloth and have a beautiful piece of furniture to use inside the house.

By adding some candles on top of the table, you’re really setting the mood.

Mood Music

It can sometimes be a little awkward when there is absolutely no sound going on around you. We are so conditioned to hear noises going around us, even if it’s on the television, that no sound can be strange. That or you’ll hear the neighbors arguing over their canceled dinner reservations or the wood chipper going in another yard. Instead, you can have some mood music.

Skip the commercial-laden song apps and instead download a setlist. You can even spring for your trusty old CDs and bring the boombox into the shed (although a wireless Bluetooth speaker may be easier). The music, when turned down, will be perfect for aiding the atmosphere. Then, when it’s all said and done, you can turn the music up and dance the night away with your significant other, all while inside the shed

Mood Elements

It doesn’t take much to really make the interior of your shed over the top. Consider putting up some art from a local arts and craft store that might be found in a traditional Italian or French restaurant. Maybe put up a coat rack to hold your jackets. It’s little touches that really amplify the experience. Even consider somewhere to keep the bottles of wine cold as well.

Don’t Have A Shed? Barnyard Utility Buildings Can Help

Maybe you don’t yet have a garden shed. That’s alright, as it doesn’t take much to craft you the perfect backyard shed. You can have it set up for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, or any other holiday you might want to put on a special event for. And then, when it’s all said and done, you still have this perfect outdoor space for storage, an art studio, home gym, or anything else you might want to use it for. So, if you’re interested in getting started or are curious as to what exactly a garden shed can do for your home, contact the team at Barnyard Utility Buildings today. All your questions will be answered in a simple phone call.

Proudly serving customers across North and South Carolina including Charlotte, NC, Belmont, NC, Lancaster, SC, Lake Wylie, SC and beyond!

John Haley
John Haley
John Haley joined Barnyard Utility Buildings in December 2020, bringing 30 years of expertise in construction and building materials to the team. John values the team's dedication to customers at Barnyard Utility Buildings, and their shared commitment to customer satisfaction makes his efforts more effective and rewarding. Barnyard Utility Buildings has been serving the Charlotte region for over 17 years, specializing in sheds and utility buildings.
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