5 Things You Should Consider In A Wood Shed Storage 

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Key Takeaways:

    Tree Cover Considerations: Avoid building your shed under trees to prevent pest infestations and damage from falling branches.

    Routine Maintenance: Regularly stain, paint, or waterproof your wood shed to protect it from weather damage and prolong its life.

    Roof Design for Storage: A steeper roof allows for more storage space, and adding lofts can maximize vertical storage inside the shed.

There’s just no replicating the look of a wood storage shed. There’s something truly beautiful about it. The organic nature of the wood and your ability to continually update the look with new paint colors ensure you’re always able to keep it looking fresh, modern, and matching your property. But when considering the purchase of a wood shed storage, it is important to know about the various upkeep requirements it has that might differ from composite and metal sheds

There are also some design features and upgrades you might want to look into when building a wood shed storage from the ground up. Thankfully, our staff here at Barnyard Utility Buildings can assist with all of your shed design needs.

One: Consider Tree Cover Over Your Shed

In general, with your own home, you don’t want to have tree branches hanging over the roof of your house. This is to not only reduce the chance of falling branches damaging your roof but to reduce the chance of pests making their way inside of the roof. The same needs to be true with your shed. Rodents and other local wildlife might look at your shed as a possible nesting location, especially if they are able to chew away at areas around the roof. If a branch hangs over the roof, it becomes that much easier for them to access it. 

To prevent this from happening, it is always best to build your shed in a location that doesn’t have this kind of covering. However, if you do decide to build a shed here, that is fine; you just need to stay on top of general upkeep and perform routine inspections on the roof and where it connects with the frame of the shed.

Two: Routine Maintenance

Because your shed is built from wood, there will be some additional maintenance that other build materials don’t require. This mainly rests on the need to annually stain, paint, or waterproof the wood. Much like you want to do for a wood deck, you will need to add either a new layer of paint or waterproofing stain to the shed, or you will need to apply another layer of paint to help protect it from the elements.

Three: Consider Roof Angle

Sticking with the roof, there are some variables in the design of your roof you should consider. Typically, with a smaller construction such as a shed, you will have a single, angled roof, with the peak of the roof on one side of the shed and a gradual slope down to the other side of the shed (instead of coming to a point directly above the center of the construction). This kind of roof is easier to install, and if you have a smaller building, it works as it will not have as much snow or other weight sitting on the singular roof. A steeper angled roof does help ensure moisture, such as rain and even snow, doesn’t stick in one place. This is good for water movement, and it helps reduce the chance of water pooling up on the roof.

However, if you want a larger roof, you can get creative with your roof angle and build. You can consider skylights or even a gable or gambrel design, where the roof has more of a barn-like design.

Four: Storage Options

If you are using your wood shed for storage, you will want to maximize the amount of storage space you have. One of the best ways to do this connects with the design of your roof. By using a more traditional roofing design, where the highest point of the roof comes to a point directly above the center of the shed, or by increasing the pitch (steepness), you will have more storage options in the ceiling area of the shed. You can add a loft to part, or all, of the area where the roof meets the frame. This makes for an excellent location to store items you might not frequently use, such as holiday decorations.

Five: Wide Barn Door

Setting on a larger door, and widening the door -after the building is completely difficult. If you’re not exactly sure what you want to use your wood shed for just yet, it is almost always a better idea to go with a wider door than a smaller door. This way, you can still fit any large lawn mowers or move in larger equipment if need be.

There are a few options for this. First, you can use a Double Wood door, a double 6-panel Steel Door, or even a French-style door. This way, you have two doors that open outward.  

Begin Designing Your Wood Shed Today

You’re not going to find many wood shed storage options at the local home improvement store. Most of the time, you will find prefabricated sheds that are designed mostly using composite or metal. While there are some benefits to this, you completely lose out on your ability to design the shed and customize it to better fit your personal needs. 

Whether you want to have a larger shed for enhanced storage or you would rather use your shed for other purposes, there simply is no better than what wood has to offer.

To help you design the ultimate wood shed and to assist in building it from the ground up, your best bet is to give our customer service staff here at Barnyard Utility Buildings a call or visit our website at 4barnyard.com and pick the location nearest you.

We’re able to work within all of your and your property’s parameters. This way, you’ll end up with a shed that matches what you are looking for. We can help point out the different variables to consider with the shed design, as well as help make it easier to perform general upkeep on your new shed. So, whatever storage needs you might have or grand plans for your outdoor storage space you’re dreaming up, our staff here at Barnyard Utility Buildings is here to help.

John Haley
John Haley
John Haley joined Barnyard Utility Buildings in December 2020, bringing 30 years of expertise in construction and building materials to the team. John values the team's dedication to customers at Barnyard Utility Buildings, and their shared commitment to customer satisfaction makes his efforts more effective and rewarding. Barnyard Utility Buildings has been serving the Charlotte region for over 17 years, specializing in sheds and utility buildings.
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