Storing Camping Supplies for Your Girl or Boy Scout Troop

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Key Takeaways:

    Proper Storage Methods: Air out tents, remove batteries from electronics, and clean all equipment to prevent damage and extend gear lifespan.

    Storage Options: Troop leaders and families can use garages, sheds, or self-storage units depending on the volume of camping gear and security needs.

    Utility Buildings for Troops: Sheds provide secure, dedicated storage space, especially for larger troops, with options for customization and security enhancements.

Camping is one of the highlights of participating in the Boy or Girl Scouts. If you have a scout or are a troop leader, you’ll need proper space to store camping gear between outings. Parents of scouts won’t need as much space to store their child’s equipment as troop leaders, who require more room to keep a larger volume of camping supplies. 

Before looking into the best camping gear storage solutions, you must understand the factors at play. Find out what you need to store and the proper setting to keep the equipment in good condition to plan the best storage method.

What Type of Camping Gear You Need to Store

Camping gear includes pieces used by the entire troop and patrol gear. According to the Boy Scouts of America, standard camping gear for the whole troop that needs storage consists of the following:

  • Tents
  • Stakes
  • Drop cloths
  • Bow saws, shovels, hand axes, and other tools
  • First aid kit
  • Poles
  • Dining flies
  • Cordage
  • Large cooking gear

You may also need to store patrol boxes or bags with the patrols’ cleaning and cooking equipment in each.

Basic camping gear individual scouts need to maintain includes:

  • Water bottle
  • Sleep bag, sleeping pad, ground cover, or pillow
  • Spare clothes
  • First aid kit
  • Non-perishable trail food
  • Multitool or a pocket knife
  • Rain gear
  • Mess kit
  • Toiletries
  • Gear for the specific type of camping, such as cold weather, warm weather, biking, or paddling

Since every camping trip will have different requirements, individual scouts may not take all their gear on every outing. Proper storage of camping gear can ensure that items don’t become lost or damaged between uses.

Tips for Storing Specific Pieces of Camping Gear

To extend the life of camping supplies for the troop or an individual scout, know how to properly store each piece. A troop can help with preparing their gear for storage when breaking down the campsite by taking the following precautions:

  • Air out tents and drop cloths and make sure they are clean and completely dry before packing them away.
  • Clean all cookware and camping stoves to ensure no food residue remains that could attract pests.
  • Take batteries out of flashlights, GPS locators, headlamps, and other electronics. Store the batteries in a plastic bag near the electronics.
  • Clean and dry all other supplies before packing them away in plastic crates or storage containers.

Individual scouts should remove their sleeping bags from the stuff sacks once they get home and lay them flat under a bed or hang them in a dry location.

Keep all gear in a dry place with protection from rain and pests. In very humid locations or seasons, you may need to run a dehumidifier in the storage area to discourage mold and mildew growth.

Camping Gear Storage Solutions

Camping gear storage solutions depend on the supplies kept. Scouts won’t need as much space as troop leaders to store their camping equipment. However, troop leaders need to consider the storage space’s size and security when planning where to keep camping gear.

In a Garage at Home

Because most of the equipment scouts carry on campouts must fit into their backpacks, they don’t have as much to store as a troop leader. Therefore, they can keep their camping gear in a trunk, closet, or corner of the garage at home.

If your family has several scouts, though, you may need to add a storage space dedicated to your scout’s camping equipment. Consider one of the options used by troop leaders for storing gear for more than one camper.

Self-Storage Unit

Many troop leaders may rent a self-storage unit for keeping camping equipment. However, they must coordinate with other leaders who will have the key to the unit and find a location convenient to everyone. Not all towns have readily available self-storage units for rent. Plus, the rent adds to the operating costs of the troop, which can take away from other activities the scouts might otherwise enjoy.


A better option is a storage shed. This can be located on the property of the troop’s meeting location. This site could be a church or one of the troop leaders’ homes.

With a storage shed, you have multiple options for sizes and design styles. Plus, by adding a lock to the shed, you have better security for keeping the camping gear safe.

A Utility Building Can Provide You with an Ideal Solution for Keeping Camping Gear Secure Between Outings

Opting for a utility building gives you a secure site for your troop’s gear or for your kids’ gear if you have multiple scouts in your home.

For families, a small storage shed should offer enough space for everyone to lay out their gear to air out and later pack it up for storage. If you also want to use the space for other storage, consider a medium or large storage shed to ensure you have room for camping supplies and other gear.

Troop leaders typically require medium or large storage sheds. A good option is a mini barn because these sheds have tall side walls, allowing you to store out-of-season gear in an added loft area. These utility buildings come in a range of sizes, from the smallest measuring 8 feet by 8 feet to the largest at 16 feet by 24 feet.

Some troops have trailers they use for major campouts. Instead of hoping the trailer stays safe in a driveway, get an enclosed carport you can keep locked to secure the trailer.

Whether you need to store camping gear for the scouts in your family with other equipment or are a troop leader and must keep essentials for the entire group, a utility building can become your ideal storage solution.

Find Out How To Get the Perfect Camping Gear Storage Solutions from Barnyard Utility Buildings

Keep your scout troop’s camping supplies dry, safe, and properly stored until the next campout. A utility building provides you with ample space for storing camping gear, even for large troops. To find out more about the various storage shed options or to find your Barnyard Utility Buildings location nearest to you, contact us.

John Haley
John Haley
John Haley joined Barnyard Utility Buildings in December 2020, bringing 30 years of expertise in construction and building materials to the team. John values the team's dedication to customers at Barnyard Utility Buildings, and their shared commitment to customer satisfaction makes his efforts more effective and rewarding. Barnyard Utility Buildings has been serving the Charlotte region for over 17 years, specializing in sheds and utility buildings.
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